The Office of Student Services offers free one-on-one tutoring in a variety of subjects for all Harrisburg University students. Upload a paper for review and receive personalized feedback, or increase your technology skills through our array of computer literacy tutorials.

Schedule Tutoring
Get free tutoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through Brainfuse. You can get live help, schedule an online tutoring appointment, upload a paper to receive feedback, or even study with friends and peers using the Brainfuse whiteboard.
Access Brainfuse via your course dashboard on Canvas.
More Tutoring Support

Workshops & Study Sessions
Attend free weekly study sessions and workshops on special topics such as exam prep, time management, and study strategies and more. Stay tuned to the Student Services event calendar and our digital flyers throughout HU for more information.

Writing Lab
In the Writing Lab at HU, faculty-approved tutors provide feedback on writing assignments. Writing tutors can assist at any stage of the writing process. Whether you’re a first-year student or a senior, writing tutors can help you improve your skills!

Computer Lab
Our computer lab in Room 1114 has the latest hardware and software technology. The computer lab is monitored by peer tutors, who can provide general support and answer questions about academic support resources. The lab is currently closed due to COVID-19, but check back for updated hours.

ESL and ELL Services
English Language Learners can get free writing support through the university. Students seeking ESL instructor feedback on their papers can upload their work and schedule tutoring via Brainfuse.
Become a Tutor
Help your classmates and share your skills by becoming a tutor at Harrisburg University. To become a tutor, you must be enrolled at HU at least half time, have a minimum of 85% in the class you wish to tutor, and have at least a 2.8 overall GPA.
Apply by sending a cover letter with tutoring experience, a resume and two letters of recommendation to Tutoring@HarrisburgU.edu.

More to Explore
Student Support Services
At Harrisburg University, you won’t just get an education. You’ll get a team of people supporting you every step of the way.
Career Services and Experiential Learning
Our internships, projects, career services and experiential learning add up to the most complete preparation for post-university success available anywhere.