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PM 303 Leading Change

Many organizations recognize the importance of being responsive to outside factors that push the organization to adapt, innovate and embrace change. The challenge can sometimes be how to get started and how to smoothly integrate changes into the organizational culture. Change can be disruptive and potentially challenging for employees to adapt to, but is essential for organizations to grow and remain relevant in the marketplace. Sometimes slow to take hold, organizational change will usually bring about a variety of new initiatives, which can often lead to very positive outcomes that motivate and reenergize employees. This session will introduce participants to the 8-step change management process established by John P Kotter, well known author and change expert. Participants will learn the importance of establishing urgency, creating a coalition and developing vision and strategy. They will examine techniques for communicating change, activating employees and generating short-term wins. Finally, the session explores consolidating gains to generate additional change, and how to anchor new approaches into the organizational culture.

Course ID: PM 303

Semester Hours: 0

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