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BTEC 240 Techniques for Biomolecular Resrch

This course gives an in-depth, hands-on experience to fundamental laboratory techniques applied to bio-molecular research to the student in life sciencees. The Biotech (life science in general) industry heavily depends on ability for use of these techniques for extraction, purification, and characterization of biomolecules (proteins, a variety of types) using several bioanalytical techniques. This course allows the student to get a “life-at-the-beach” experience in application of these techniques. This course covers topics related to successful design of protocols for extraction, purification, characterization, and analysis of structure-function relationship of biomolecules for application in diagnostics, therapeutics, and several industrial applications. It also offers experience in using instrumentation generically used in medical, pharmaceutical, envirnmental, and other BTEC industries with an ntroduction to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).

Course ID: BTEC 240

Semester Hours: 3

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