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 Wei-Chien  Hung

Wei-Chien Hung Corporate Faculty (BTMS)

Wei-Chien Hung serves as Scientist, Engineer, Manager, and leader in process development and medicine manufacturing/development area. He has master’s degree in bioinformatics and Ph.D. degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. He also conducts human genomics research during post-doc in Yale medical school during his Postdoc and identified several key genetic diseases threatening people’s lives. His articles have been published and cited in several highly profiled Journals including Nature, Cell, and Science series. Once entering industry, Wei-Chien Hung has worked in several major pharmaceuticals including Biogen, Takeda, and Alexion/AstraZeneca and has successfully solved many challenges of drug production. Meanwhile, as corporate faculty in Harrisburg University, Wei-Chien hosts course teaching upstream technology to wide cohort of students from various industries.      From a dedicated scientist and researcher in disease preventions, to a principled leader in the biopharmaceutical sector, he has dedicated his career to benchmark innovation-driven business designs supported by operational optimization processes primed to achieve accessible and affordable healthcare resources to engage societal and environmental empowerments.