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 Kayden  Jordan

Kayden Jordan Assistant Professor of Social Analytics

Dr. Kayden N. Jordan received a Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin in social and personality psychology with a focus on psychological text analysis in real-world contexts particularly politics and social media. While a social psychologist by training, they draw from multiple disciplines including political science, communication, history, and computer science. In data science and analytics, they have worked with HU students to bring a social psychological perspective to research with Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence.

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Research Interests:

Dr. Kayden N. Jordan’s research focuses on using language analysis to understand psychological processes in politics and culture. Currently, the research focuses on two main questions. First, how do time and context impact people’s psycho-social processes? Second, how do changes in media and social media influence how people react and interact with politics and culture?

Central to their research program is a methodological focus on quantitative, automated language analysis for exploring large quantities of text. Specifically, how advanced in text analytics like Large Language Models can be understood and improved upon using a multi-disciplinary perspective?

Courses Taught at HU:

ANLY 520: Natural Language Processing: Text Summarization and Classification
ANLY 540: Natural Language Processing: Semantic Representations
GRAD 695: Research Methodology and Writing
ANLY 699: Applied Project in Analytics
ANLY 710: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Design
ANLY 722: Doctoral Research Seminar
ANLY 725: Research Seminar in Unstructured Data
ANLY 799: Doctoral Studies


Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.

M.A. in Experimental Psychology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, USA.

B.S. in Psychology and History, Evangel University, Springfield, MO, USA.


Gupta, S. S., & Jordan, K. N. (2024). Does the Gender of Doctors Change a Patient’s Perception? Health Communication, 1–10.

Gupta, S.S. & Jordan, K.N. (2022). Understanding gender bias toward physicians using online doctor reviews. Psychology of Language and Communication, 26 (1), 18-41.

Jordan, K.N., Buchanan, E.M., & Padfield, W.E. (2022). The Language of War: A Conceptual Replication and Extension of Abe (2012) and Matsumoto and Hwang (2013). Meta-Psychology , 6.

Jordan, K.N., Sterling, J., Pennebaker, J.W., & Boyd, R.L. (2019). Examining long-term trends in politics and culture through language of political leaders and cultural institutions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(9), 3476-3481.

Jordan, K. N., Pennebaker, J. W., Petrie, K. J., & Dalbeth, N. (2018). ‘Googling’ Gout: Exploring perceptions about gout through a linguistic analysis of online search activities. Arthritis care & research. doi: 10.1002/acr.23598

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