Amar Ramudhin, Ph.D. Professor and Program Lead of Information Systems Engineering and Management
Professor Ramudhin is a supply chain and logistics expert with over 35 years of experience as an educator, researcher, and executive. At HU, he is the Program Lead for ISEM Doctoral Studies. He has lead a variety of funded projects: from enterprise supply chain, transportation, and logistics planning to projects in circular economy, food sustainability, low-carbon ecosystems, and novel uses of AR/VR, IoT and big data analytics to improve systems design and operations.
His research interests are in the design and development of AI/ML/Optimization-based solutions in the areas of operations, transportation and logistics across all industries. He has a keen interest in healthcare where he works with organizations such as BD and the Mayo Clinic in patient/process-driven solutions to improve patient outcome through better management of resources and the supply chain.
Professor Ramudhin is also the president of Bluesail Solutions, which specializes in ethnography and other supply chain solutions for healthcare. In the past, he has held senior positions in the software industry and has served on the faculties of several Universities in Canada, US and UK where he was the executive director of the Logistics Institute at the University of Hull. He is well published, and his PhD received the Best Dissertation Award for ISYE at Georgia Tech upon graduation.
PhD, Industrial and Systems Engineering with minor in Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
MSc, Industrial Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, Canada
B.Ing, Industrial Engineering, University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres, Canada