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Accreditation and Approvals

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities

The University buildings are accessible for persons with physical disabilities. Enhanced listening devices are available for the hearing-impaired. There are no other special accommodations or on-site services for students with other types of disabilities.

Student Financial Assistance

Harrisburg University Students

Federal, State, and Institutional Financial Aid Program

Student creating a mixture

Federal Student Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

Geospatial Technology

Student Loan Information Initial Loan Counseling and Exit Counseling

Health & Safety

Vaccination Policy

The university does not require any specialized vaccinations. The student and parent are asked to self-certify that vaccinations required by state law for attendance in grades K-12 have been met.

Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for the Harrisburg campus and Philadelphia location.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is committed to maintaining a healthy work and educational environment.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Info


Student Outcomes

Year to Year Fall Retention Rates for First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduates

Fall 2018 Undergraduate Cohort returning in Fall 201971%
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Cohort returning in Fall 202070%
Fall 2020 Undergraduate Cohort returning in Fall 202159%
Fall 2021 Undergraduate Cohort returning in Fall 202279%
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Cohort returning in Fall 202373%
Source: IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey

Undergraduate Six-Year Graduation Rates by Cohort

Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 201330.8%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 201424.7%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 201532.4%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 201631.8%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 201743.4%
Source: IPEDS Graduation Rates Survey

Undergraduate Transfer-Out Rates by Cohort

Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 20138.4%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 20142.9%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 20151.8%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 20162.3%
Undergraduate Students Starting Fall 20174.0%
Source: IPEDS Graduation Rates Survey

Outcomes for 2022 Graduates

94.6% of students who graduated with a BS degree in 2022 and responded to a survey reported that they were employed, enrolled in graduate school, or enlisted in the military.

Voter Registration

Pennsylvania voter registration information is available at

Pell Grant and Stafford Loan Graduation Rate Report

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) (Sec. 488(a)(3)) states that completion or graduation rates must be disaggregated by:

In accordance with the applicable statutes, Harrisburg University’s disaggregated graduation rates for first-time, full- time degree-seeking students that enrolled in Fall 2015 are:

Fall 2017 First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduate Students Financial Aid Profile

Recipients of a Pell Grant (within entering year)68%
Recipients of a Direct Subsidized Loan (within entering year) that did not receive a Pell Grant10%
Did not receive either a Pell Grant or Direct Subsidized Loan (within entering year)22%
Source: IPEDS Graduation Rates Survey

In accordance with the applicable statutes, Harrisburg University’s disaggregated graduation rates for first-time, full- time degree-seeking students that enrolled in Fall 2016 are:

Fall 2017 First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduate Graduation Rates by Gender and Race Ethnicity

Student Group4 Year Graduation Rate5 Year Graduation Rate6 Year Graduation Rate
Male Students25%41%44%
Female Students26%39%42%
Total (Men and Women)26%40%43%
Non-Resident Aliens0%0%0%
Hispanic or Latino38%56%56%
American Indian, Alaskan Native0%0%0%
Black or African American14%33%38%
Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander100%100%100%
Two or more Races11%33%33%
Race Ethnicity Unknown0%33%33%
Source: IPEDS Graduation Rates Survey

Right to File a Compliant

Registering a complaint with the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Complaints about the University may be filed with the University.  Information about the complaint can be forwarded to the University’s Provost and Chief Academic Officer Harrisburg University.


Registering a complaint with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Complaints about the University may be filed with the Middle States Commission. Information about the complaint process may be found at

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
3624 Market Street, 2nd Floor West
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Telephone: (267) 284–5000
E-mail:  Spanish: españ

Registering a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education

Complaints about the University can also be filed with the state of Pennsylvania. Complaints should be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126
Telephone: (717) 783–6788


HU Dubai

Harrisburg University is implementing a teach-out plan because it is closing the HU Dubia location at Dubai International Academic City, Dubai Knowledge Park, Block 19 – First Floor, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Dubai, Emirate of Dubai 00000). The purpose of the teach-out plan is to assist students near completion of a credential and academic requirements. Harrisburg University has entered into teach-out agreements with each student to assist with implementing the teach-out plan. Students may obtain records by contacting the University Registrar at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 326 Market Street – Office of University Registrar, Records and Registration, Harrisburg, PA 17101, 901-5117 or the Records and Registration suite (717) 901-5136.

As of June 30, 2025, the HU Dubia location will close and will no longer be included within Harrisburg University of Science and Technology’s scope of accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education