Institutional Review Board (IRB)
What is the IRB
The IRB serves as an objective third party, an oversight committee, governed by Federal Regulations with the purpose of protecting and managing risk to human participants involved in research.
Research Required IRB Approval
- Any research using data from living individuals
- Most grant funded projects
- Dissertation (and most graduate student) work
- Any animal research

HU requires researchers to use the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and to provide certificates of completion.
To access this training free of charge, go to www.citiprogram.org and Sign in using your university ID to create an account and access the required learning module or webinars
Contact the IRB
All questions and comments should be submitted through the IRB email.
If you have a concern about a particular study or researcher, you may file a confidential report by submitting the form, Ethics and conduct related to HU Research, found LINK